You’ve earned it是什么意思
You’ve earned it的意思不能一概而论。它既可以表示褒义的,通过努力而应得的、争取的,可以当之无愧接受的;也可以表示贬义的罪有应得、作茧自缚、自作自受的意思。You’ve earned it与You deserved it可谓异曲同工,殊途同归。
先来看一段表示贬义的You’ve earned it的对话
厦门SEO:Hey, what the hell have you done to my website?嘿,你到底对我的网站做了些什么?
潇湘驭文:Nothing, I am just helping you to remove some rubbish links from your website. Du Niang have punished your website, and you’ve earned it.没什么,只不过是在帮你把清除网站上的垃圾链接。度娘已经惩罚了你的网站,这是你自作自受。
再来看一段表示褒义的You’ve earned it的对话
Blair: Looks like you came to play after all. You know which trundle bed is yours. Sleep tight. You’ve earned it.看来你最终还是上道了。你知道那张小床是你的了。睡个好觉。这是你努力争取来的。
Jenny: Actually, I’m going home, thanks for inviting me. It was a blast.实际上我要回家了。谢谢你的邀请。聚会太精彩了。
Blair: What do you mean by saying you are going home? Have I done something wrong? Nobody leaves a sleepover.你说回家是什么意思?没有人会在参加彻夜狂欢聚会时离开的。
Jenny: Why should there be? I guess there is first for everything.怎么会呢?我想凡是都有第一次。
trundle bed: a low bed with wheels that is kept under another bed and brought out when you need it(放在大床底下的有脚轮的矮床,需要的时候你可以直接拖出来)。trundle是个动词,意思是使滚动、使旋转、滚、扔球、推)
Sleep tight是什么意思
sleep tight是地道的美国口语,表示睡个好觉,晚安的意思。相当于goodnight.
It was a blast是什么意思
It was a blast是非常精彩的意思。blast既可以是名词,也可以是动词。这里用作名词,表示“狂欢的聚会、值得享受的经验”,用在聚会上表示聚会很精彩。
表达精彩的其它短语有:It is wonderful, It is terrific, It is perfect.
sleepover是在外面过夜的意思。英文解释是:a children’s party at which all the guests stay the night at one person’s house.(在孩子的聚会上,当所有的嘉宾都在某个人的家里过夜时,就表示sleepover)
Why should there be是什么意思
why should thre be是“怎么会呢”的意思。
表达“怎么会呢”的短语还有:why should that be possible? How could it be? How is that possible? How could that happen?