

Volleyball is a popular sport played around the world. The game originated in America in the late 1800s, and quickly spread to other countries. Today, volleyball is played in schools, parks, and professional leagues.


To play volleyball, two teams of six players each face each other on a court divided by a net. The objective is to hit the ball over the net and make it land on the other team’s side of the court without them being able to return it. Points are scored when a team wins a rally, and the game is won by the team that reaches a predetermined number of points first.

In international competitions, the official language used to communicate during the game is usually English. Therefore, it is important for players and spectators to know the commonly used terms in English. Some of these terms include “serve,” “pass,” “spike,” “block,” and “dig.” Players must constantly communicate with each other during the game to coordinate their moves and strategize.

Watching a volleyball game can be an exciting experience. The fast-paced action, the sound of the ball hitting the players’ hands, and the energy of the crowd make it a thrilling sport to watch. Whether as a participant or spectator, knowing the key terms and rules of volleyball in English enhances the overall experience of the game.




在排球比赛中,我们也需要了解一些相关规则的英语单词,如:touch(触网)、foot fault(踩线)、double touch(二传犯规)等。这些单词的理解能够帮助我们迅速掌握比赛的情况。




让我们看看有关场地的词汇。排球场被称为“volleyball court”,球网是“volleyball net”。比赛开始前,会有一次硬币抛掷,决定谁先发球,这个过程称为“coin toss”。

在比赛中,根据比赛规则,球员需要完成各种动作。发球的动作由“serve”来表示。拦网“block”和扣球“spike”也是很常见的动作,其他动作还包括传球“pass”和接发球“receive serve”。

当裁判判定某个球员犯规时,他会吹哨子并做出相应的手势,以表明哪种犯规行为。例如,“double hit”表示一名球员连续两次击球,“foot fault”表示球员的脚足过了界线,“net violation”表示球员触到了网。

在比赛结束时,你可以用“match point”来描述赢得比赛的关键一分,“set point”表示在三局制比赛中的关键一分,“game point”则用来表示和另一局别开胜负。



Volleyball, or simply “volley,” is a popular team sport that originated in the United States in the late 19th century. The game is played on a rectangular court, divided into two equal sides by a net. Each side is allowed three touches to return the ball to the opponent’s side, with the aim of making the ball hit the ground on the other side of the court.

The vocabulary surrounding volleyball is influenced heavily by its origin in the English-speaking world. For instance, the term “volley” itself refers to the back-and-forth exchange of the ball between the teams. Meanwhile, the object of the game – hitting the ball over the net without it being returned – is called a “kill.”

Other important words related to volleyball include “serve,” which is the initial action that starts the game; “block,” which is an attempt to stop the opposing team’s attack; and “spike,” which is a forceful hit of the ball that aims to score a point.

In addition to these core terms, there are various other words and phrases relevant to specific aspects of the game. For example, “line judge” and “referee” refer to the officials who oversee the match, while “rotation” and “position” describe the movements of the players within their respective teams.

Overall, volleyball is a fun and exciting sport that has become popular worldwide. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, there’s always more to learn about the unique language of the game.


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