

Playing Badminton – How to Say it in English

Badminton is a popular sport that is loved by people all around the world. If you are a fan of this fantastic game, you may want to learn how to say “打羽毛球” in English. The term used for playing badminton in English is “Playing badminton.”

When you want to invite someone to play badminton with you, you can use the following sentence: “Hey, do you want to play badminton today?” Or, you can say: “Would you like to play a game of badminton with me?”

If you are new to badminton and want to learn some basic rules, you can say: “Can you tell me about the rules of badminton?” Or, “What are the basic rules of badminton?”

During the game, if you want to score, you can say: “I scored a point!” Alternatively, you can just say “point” after scoring.

It’s always a good idea to warm up before playing badminton to avoid any injuries. You can say: “Let’s warm up before we start playing.”

Finally, after the game, you can use the following sentences to express your feelings: “That was a great game” or “What a fun game that was!”

In conclusion, if you want to play badminton with your friends and communicate in English, these phrases will come in handy. Don’t be shy to try and practice your English skills while enjoying the game of badminton!


My favorite sport is playing badminton. I love the way it challenges my physical abilities, response time, and strategic thinking. Badminton is a racket sport that can be played either individually or in pairs. The aim of the game is to hit the shuttlecock over the net and make it land in the opponent’s court.

It is a fast-paced game that requires quick reflexes and great hand-eye coordination. Playing badminton regularly can improve your fitness, agility, and endurance. It is also a great stress reliever and a fun way to socialize with friends.

I enjoy playing badminton both indoors and outdoors. The sound of the shuttlecock hitting the racket and the thrill of scoring a point never fails to excite me. Moreover, it is a versatile sport that can be played at all ages and skill levels. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, there is always room for improvement and growth.

Overall, playing badminton is a great way to stay active, healthy, and have fun. If you haven’t tried it yet, I highly recommend giving it a shot. Who knows, you might just find your new favorite sport!


“以前我不会打羽毛球” 用英语表达为 “I couldn’t play badminton before”.

Badminton is a popular sport played all over the world. It requires skill, agility and swift reflexes. As a beginner, it can be tough to grasp the techniques and the rules of the game. I remember the days when I would watch others play and yearn to join in.

However, with determination and practice, I was able to learn how to play badminton. I started by understanding the basic rules and techniques, such as how to hold the racket and how to serve. It took a lot of trial and error, but I was able to improve my skills bit by bit.

The key to improving was to play with people who were better than me. This allowed me to learn from their techniques and improve upon my own. Eventually, I was able to join a local club and play competitively.

Now, I absolutely love playing badminton. It’s not only a great way to stay active, but also a fun way to socialize with others who share the same passion. It’s amazing how far I’ve come since the days when I couldn’t play at all.



我们可以说“They are playing badminton.”这是最常见的表达方式。其中,“They”指代的是一群人,也可以用具体的人代词替代。而“playing”是打球的意思,“badminton”就是羽毛球。

当然,我们也可以换一种说法,“They are having a game of badminton.”其中,“game”表示比赛,也可以用“match”代替;而“of”意为“关于,关于的”,“a”表示“一场”。

另外,还有一种形式是“It’s a badminton game/match.”这种表达方式是以比赛或者球赛为主语,用it来代替。比较简洁直接。



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