
正文翻译Is it true that Jupiter is so large that it does not orbit around the sun?


评论翻译Prerak SharmaYes!Jupiter, The biggest planet in our solar system. It is so massive that 1300 earths could fit inside of this planet. Jupiter is 2.5 times more massive than all the other planets in our solar system combined!This is our tiny earth compared to the Jupiter:Jupiter is so big that the center of gravity of the sun and Jupiter is outside of sun. Although extremely close to the surface of the sun.So the sun and Jupiter both orbit around their center of gravity which is also known as barycenter.Barycenter is the center of mass of two or more bodies that orbit one another and is the point about which the bodies orbit.Technically Jupiter orbits around the barycenter of sun and Jupiter which is located outside of the sun.


So, Yes! Jupiter is so large that it doesn't orbit around the sun. Fascinating!Now other planets in solar system are so small that barycenter of the sun and a planet like earth lies inside of the sun. (Also very near to the center of sun.)So it looks like other planets are orbiting the center of the sun.To understand this you can also imagine spinning a kid like this:(Could be dangerous. Imagine only.)The center of gravity of you and the kid would be somewhere very near to your feet. So you're spinning almost at the same place but the kid is orbiting around you. This is exactly what happens with the sun and the other planets.By the way, this is how two stars with nearly same weights orbit around their common barycenter in binary star system:

所以,是的!木星太大了,它不是(完全)绕着太阳转的。迷人吧!太阳系中的其他行星都很小,太阳和像地球这样的行星的中心都位于太阳内部。(离太阳中心点很近。)所以看起来其他行星都在绕着太阳中心运行。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处



Manikanta Reddyhope this type of animated explanation for all schools is needed to understand easily and eliminate mugging

希望所有学校都有这种生动的解释,以便容易理解和消除困惑。Your Lord and Savior Lucifer MorningstarTechnically, no obxt orbits around any other obxt. They always orbit the center of mass of the system. Just because the center of mass may be physically within one of the obxts doesn't mean the other obxt “orbits around” it in any meaningful sense.

从技术上讲,没有任何天体会绕着其他天体运行。它们总是绕着系统的重心运转。仅仅因为一个天体的重心在物理上可能在其中一个天体内,并不意味着另一个天体真的在“绕着”它转。Sahil Zelei have a doubt, so we can conclude that sun is revolving around its barycenter because of presence of jupiter, does it means that when all the other planets revolving around the sun completes their revolution at different places everytime in spaceor shall I say that each revolution of earth occurs at different places in space, if it is true then should it affect the earth in any terms?

我有疑问,我们可以得出结论,太阳绕着它的重心运转是因为木星的存在。#否意味着其他所有围绕太阳运转的行星在空间中每次都在不同的位置完成公转,或者我应该说,地球的每一次公转都发生在空间的不同地方,如果#真的,那么它会在某些方面影响地球吗?原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Paul GreenmanThere is a lot of semantics here in these answers, but the simple version is that Jupiter, and all the planets, and the asteroids, and the comets in the solar system orbit around the Sun.Because all of these obxts are free in space (i.e. they are not anchored anywhere), including the sun, they move a little bit with respect to each other. This is like two children holding hands and spinning around each other – both children will rotate around some common point between them. If one of the people is an adult, then they will spin in a much tighter circle than the (smaller) child.The same thing happens with the Sun and the planets – and because Jupiter is the biggest planet, it and the Sun actually spin around a point just above the surface of the Sun – but Jupiter is still the little guy here circling around the sun because the Sun is literally 1000x bigger than Jupiter.

在这些答案中有很多语义,但简单的说法是木星,以及所有的行星,小行星和彗星在太阳系中都围绕太阳运行。因为所有这些天体在空间中都是自由的(例如,它们没有固定在任何地方),包括太阳,它们彼此之间会移动一点。这就像两个孩子牵着手,绕着对方旋转——两个孩子都会绕着他们之间的某个公共点旋转。如果其中一个人是成年人,那么他们的圈子就会比(较小的)孩子的圈子小得多。同样的事情也发生在太阳和行星上——因为木星是最大的行星,它和太阳实际上围绕太阳表面上方的一点旋转。但木星仍然是绕着太阳转的小家伙,因为太阳实际上比木星大1000倍。Matthew OswaldThe point around which both a planet and the Sun orbits is called the Barycentre, For all the planets except Jupiter, their Barycentre with the Sun is within the Sun.



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