I’ll see you around是什么意思
I’ll see you around是回头见的意思。
I’ll see you around的使用场合
在英语中,表达“再见”的口语非常多。I’ll see you around的意思是回头见,它的使用场合是一般在同事之间,室友之间,邻居之间等。你和对方只是短时间的告别,低头不见抬头见……
farewell: used for saying goodbye to someone when you do not expect to see them again for a long time长时间离别后的再见
so long: used for saying goodbye to someone you know well当你跟对方很熟的时候,可以用so long表达再见
see you later类似see you around
catch you later: used for saying goodbye to someone you expect to see them soon, or later the same day.也是短时间的再见,你们可能在当天还可能再见。
看一段包含I’ll see you around的对话
度娘:I appreciate that you want a clean slate, but I think it would kind of be too much. I am sorry. 我很欣赏你想重新开始,但我觉得这有点过了。很抱歉。
谷歌:No. I totally understand. I’d feel the same way. I’ll see you around.没关系。我完全理解。我也是这么觉得。回头见。
厦门SEO:Maybe you are a little bit too harsh.也许你有点太无情了。
clean slate是什么意思
clean slate是重新开始的意思。
slate用作名词时的本来意思是一种深灰色的,容易切割成平而薄的石板。当与clean slate组成在一起的时候,则表示重新开始的意思。
If you start with a clean slate, you don’t take account of previous mistakes or failures and make a fresh start.不考虑之前的失误或者失败,重新开始。(take account of something/take something into account是在做决定时,考虑某事的意思)
If you wipe the slate clean, you decide to forget previous mistakes, failures, or debts and to start again.决定忘记以前的失误、失败或者债务重新开始。
所以start with a clean slate,或者wipe the slate clean都有“卧薪尝胆,卷土重来,忘记过去,重新开始”的意思。