

斯蒂芬库里是美国职业 篮球 运动员,两次当选常规赛MVP。下面是我给大家整理的nba库里英文简介,供大家参阅!



Stephen Curry, born on March 14, 1988 in Akron, Ohio, USA, a professional basketball player in the United States, is a team guard who plays for the NBA Golden State Warriors.

Stephen Curry in 2009 through the draft into the NBA has been effective in the Warriors, rookie season selected for the best rookie first team; 2014-15 season with the Warriors won the NBA championship; twice elected regular season MVP, twice selected The best team first team, 4 times selected All-Star Game West starting lineup.

Stephen Curry in 2010 with the US team won the World Championships in Turkey, in 2014 with the US team won the Spanish Basketball World Cup champion.


After graduating from high school, Stephen Curry attended the Duke University basketball camp, hoping to join the basketball elite, but then Duke University old K coach and his coach team that the library is too thin and weak, will not adapt to NCAA Of the strength, and thus give up the lead under its command.

Curry finally chose to enter Davidson College.

Major one season, the library to 21.5 points per se into the SEC league’s best newcomer and scoring. In the second game of the University, contributed 32 points and 9 boards and 4 assists; in the 2007 Southern District Championship to break the new three-point record.

Sophomore season, Curry led the dark horse Davidson college into the NCAA tournament quarterfinals.

In March 2008, Davidson College successively defeated the nation’s seventh Gonzaga University, NCAA II seed Georgetown University and the third of the University of Wisconsin, Curry became the history of four NCAA knockout before the four games have been 30 points One of the players. At the time of the University of Kansas, Curry hit the season’s 159th three-pointers, creating a NCAA single-season three-point record.

Big three season, Curry completed by the attack guard to point guard transformation, averaging 28.6 points lead the nation, also contributed 4.4 rebounds, 5.6 assists and 2.5 steals. Beyond the legend John Gatti became Davidson’s history scoring, scored 42 points against Oklahoma in Black Griffin, and set his own scoring record for the NCAA single game.


August 25, 2010, the US men’s basketball trips in Turkey World Championship 12 list officially announced, Stephen Curry selected.

September 13, 2010, the US team in the final to 81-64 victory over Turkey, after a lapse of 16 years won the championship.

July 14, 2014, the US men’s basketball team in the official push posted on the end of July in Las Vegas 19 mini-training camp list, Stephen Curry selected.

August 23, 2014, Stephen Curry was selected for the US men’s basketball team to participate in the World Cup list of 12 people.

September 15, 2014, the US men’s basketball team to beat Serbia 129-92, won the first men’s basketball World Cup champion, Stephen Curry played 20.1 minutes in the World Cup, contributed 10.7 points, 1.6 rebounds and 2.9 times Assists.



Stephen Curry is good at dribbling jumper, shooting can cover the entire halftime. Curry ball excellent, you can find one-on-one through the ball to find a shot opportunity, a large number of three from the dry pull. As the body is thin, Curry is not easy to enter the restricted area, playing the lack of aggressive. Curry is not really the traditional point guard, but he projected too much deterrent force, it is easy to attract opponents defense attack, library to create teammates scoring opportunity is very strong. But Curry is also prone to mistakes, sometimes adventure pass.


Defensive end library because the body is too thin, need protection, but the library quickly, shot quick, good defense effect.


1. NBA篮球运动员斯蒂芬·库里介绍

2. nba的励志故事库里

3. nba球星英文励志演讲稿

4. NBA篮球运动员塞斯·库里介绍


Stephen Curry (Stephen Curry), was born on March 14, 1988, in Akron, Ohio (Akron, Ohio), American professional basketball player, the secretary point guard, playing for the NBA golden state warriors.

Stephen curry through to enter the NBA draft in 2009 has been played for the warriors, rookie season in the best rookie first team, in 2014, 2015 in west all-star line-up, 2014-15 elected MVP season, the first squad named best team, and help the warriors won the NBA championship.

Stephen curry with team USA won the world championship in Turkey in 2010, with the USA basketball World Cup in Spain in 2014.

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